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Trova le offerte di lavoro in USA e in Canada.

Trova le offerte di lavoro in Cina vai su 51job or Liepin.

Trova le posizioni di lavoro aperte in Asia, Europa e America Latina. Inoltre, mostrato nella mappa qui sotto.

Benvenuti sulla pagina "Lavora con noi" di SKF!

Selezione la tua regione:

Trova le offerte di lavoro in USA e in Canada.

Trova le offerte di lavoro in Cina - vai su 51job or Liepin.

Trova le posizioni di lavoro aperte in Asia, Europa e America Latina. Inoltre, mostrato nella mappa qui sotto.

Che cosa ti appassiona?
Studenti e laureati
Per intraprendere una carriera promettente, bisogna partire alla grande.

A proposito di SKF

SKF has been around for more than a century and today we are one of the world’s largest global suppliers of bearings and supporting solutions for rotating equipment. With more than 40,000 employees in around 130 countries, we are truly global. Our products are found everywhere in society. In fact, wherever there is movement, SKF’s solutions might be at work. This means that we are an important part of the everyday lives of people and companies around the world. See more, at

A proposito di SKF

SKF has been around for more than a century and today we are one of the world’s largest global suppliers of bearings and supporting solutions for rotating equipment. With more than 40,000 employees in around 130 countries, we are truly global. Our products are found everywhere in society. In fact, wherever there is movement, SKF’s solutions might be at work. This means that we are an important part of the everyday lives of people and companies around the world. See more, at